Our InFocus Series gives our readers a chance to get to know a little bit more about our team and what makes them tick. In this edition, we talk to an incredibly valuable member of our team, Marketing Coordinator and Graphic Designer, Cat Ferguson who works out of our Brisbane office.
I came to work at TMS because … I was looking to gain design experience in a new industry sector to expand my skill set, as I had designed mainly for fashion previously. I’d heard good things about the dynamic workplace culture at TMS from a friend of mine who worked here and was very excited to join the team.
In my work, I am passionate about … delivering the best work I can, staying organised and always improving / learning new things. There’s always ways to improve and as a designer it’s really important to be constantly learning new skills to keep up with developing trends and technology!
What I enjoy most about TMS is … the fun, friendly workplace environment! There’s such an amazing workplace dynamic here.
My first job was … an Underwater Photographer in Sydney! That was a super fun experience.
If I wasn’t a designer I would be… A fashion photographer! It’s really fun and there are so many ways to express yourself creatively.
The best piece of advice I have ever been given is … Not to let your happiness depend on your situation or other people. Whether stress affects you or not can be a choice a lot of the time, you can choose to focus on the positive instead.
The person I most admire professionally is … I’d have to say Leslie Knope from Parks and Recreation. Although she’s a fictional character her dedication to her work, her ability to get things done so thoroughly and her optimistic attitude about everything (including failure) is very inspiring.
The thing that makes me most happy outside work is … playing the piano (although I also enjoy playing violin and guitar), my 7-year-old puppy, drawing with a cup of tea in hand, fashion photography and spending time with my friends and family.
>> Read more from our InFocus Series here.