Our InFocus Series gives our readers a chance to get to know a little bit more about our team and what makes them tick. In this edition, we talk to an incredibly valuable member of our team, Executive Consultant, Lynda-Mary Wood who works out of our Sydney office.
I came to work at TMS because … I had worked with some of the TMS team in my previous public sector role and was impressed by their professionalism and expertise. I found that the philosophy of TMS resonated with me – that being a focus on the human element of organisations and the value of this focus in working with organisations to enhance performance and staff well-being.
In my work, I am passionate about … Being the best that I can be and working with people to realise their potential. I love working with teams, particularly those that are not co-located, to facilitate understanding of individual strengths and how these can enhance team dynamics.
What I enjoy most about TMS is … The genuine commitment of all staff to their clients and to each other. There is very much a culture of supporting one another and they are simply, really nice people!
My first job was … A silver-service waitress in a hotel on the Antrim Coast of Northern Ireland. I learned many things (and heard words in the kitchen that I will never repeat!); the value of team work and the importance of providing a great customer experience.
If I wasn’t a consultant I would be … So, when I was in high school I really wanted to be a fighter pilot but living in the bush in Victoria and miles from any airfield, there was no opportunity for me to even learn to fly. Coupled with the fact that I was hopeless in Physics, it was probably never going to be a possibility! I love flying though and still look with envy at planes as they fly over the Northern Beaches of Sydney where I live.
The best piece of advice I have ever been given is … Your reality may not be another person’s reality. It is easy to assume that others will value and take pleasure in the same things that we do and this can very much impact on our personal and professional relationships.
The person I most admire professionally is … In fact there are two people who have had very positive, but different, impact on my career path. Sister Relihan was the ward sister in my first year of Nursing training at Guys Hospital in London. She was very fierce and most of the time we were very nervous around her. However, the exceptional standard of care that she expected for her patients was without compromise and I have tried to maintain that standard throughout my years of clinical practice. I also admire Heather Gray, a Chief Executive that I have worked with, for her leadership qualities, fair management style and astute understanding of healthcare in NSW.
The thing that makes me most happy outside work is … My family is very important to me so I love to spend time with them. I also enjoy caravanning and travelling to different parts of Australia, learning to play golf and, if I have to be inside, cake decorating and reading.