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Soaring to new heights

“Helen and her team have provided great input to our team’s preparation for the world’s competition. I appreciated the effort in tailoring the material to the specifics of our sport.”

TMS Consulting has been working with the Australian Gliding Team’s for the past 3 – 4 years, providing sports psychology and team development sessions. TMS recently attended the Australian Gliding Team’s annual Squad Week at Lake Keepit in March 2012. The week was attended by Pilots and Crew from teams preparing for upcoming competitions in Uvalde and Argentina. To read more about what happened at Squad Week, click here.

“The TMS course really transformed us: – from a group of individuals, to part of a well-functioning team. We can all fly well, but Helen and Holly really opened our eyes to ways of optimising the mental side of our performance.”

About the author

Jo Bagg