TMS Consulting is pleased to announce an exciting new partnership with journey management software specialists JESI.
The new partnership sees TMS join JESI as the implementation partner to assist in the roll out of the JESI Journey Management System which is a new and innovative journey management solution for remote and isolated workforces.
The software is designed to control the risk associated with a travelling workforce, automatically alerting companies via a multi-communication platform (sms and email) when a traveller does not reach their destination within an expected timeframe.
JESI Journey Management System also complies with new Work Health and Safety Act amendments to ensure companies have a communication process with an adequate response time to support employees who operate in Remote or Isolated Work Environments
Helen Wood, CEO of TMS Consulting said: “We are delighted to partner with JESI in the implementation of this product, which will improve worker safety not only in Australia, but globally.”
As the implementation partner, TMS will work with closely with organisations who wish to adopt JESI to streamline the implementation process ensuring that the program is embedded effectively into existing organisational frameworks while at the same time fostering cultural change that will support the successful uptake and use of the product by the staff and the organisation.
Ms Wood believes the combination of the system with a tailored implementation approach will ensure much safer work environments for a range of industries including Mining, Construction, Health and Education.
“With Australia’s heavy reliance on driving and our highly mobile industries, employees are at great risk out on the roads and employers need systems like this to ensure they know if anything untoward happens”.
Ms Wood goes on to explain that work-related road use is by far the most common cause of death in Australia and highlights the fact that rural road fatalities are almost double that of urban.
“The key thing here is that rural road users are at a much greater risk because of the isolation and this software will immediately alert a company to any potential issues associated with staff not reaching their destination.”
“We look forward to a successful and long-lasting partnership with JESI and working with clients to ensure effective implementation of such an important safety initiative”.
For more information on JESI Journey Management, please download the flyer or contact TMS Senior Safety and Fatigue Consultant, Teegan Modderman on +61 7 3003 1473.