TMS Consulting, Senior Consultant Psychologist Teegan Modderman has been invited to present at the upcoming Annual Australian Pipeline Industry Association Convention.
Attracting over 600 delegates from across Australia and abroad this year’s Convention will be held from 18 to 21 October at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. The theme of the 2014 Convention is Safe and Efficient Energy – It’s In The Pipeline.
Teegan will present a paper on the APIA Fatigue Management Guidelines recently developed by TMS for the Australian Pipeline Industry. Please see below for the abstract for this presentation.
Fatigue is said to be a “common, almost universal feature of modern life” but when in excess, it is clearly an industrial and public safety issue. The most common effects of fatigue are reduced capacity to judge risk, reduced hand-eye coordination and the desire to sleep; all of which can affect productivity and quality of the work carried out, and ultimately increase the risk of an accident in the workplace.
In recognition of the findings of the Fatigue Management Study conducted in 2011-2013, APIA and TMS joined forces to revise the Fatigue Management Guidelines. The revised Guidelines address gaps identified as part of the FMS and align the document with a best practice approach to the management of fatigue. This paper will explore the steps organisations should consider when implementing these Guidelines, as well as the people and culture considerations.
This paper will also explore effective and practical ways organisations in the pipeline industry can mitigate fatigue.
For more information on the conference please visit
**TMS will also be exhibiting at the conference so be sure to come say hello to us at booth 96.